Bihar chief minister Mr Nitish Kumar meeting Mrs Kavita Singh, the newly-elected legislator wife of alleged gangster Ajay Singh (in kurta-payjama sitting next to his wife with vermillion mark on his face) at his official residence in Patna on Tuesday. Singh who is accused in at least 24 criminal cases was denied ticket by the JD-U on the ground of his being a history sheeter but the CM was very quick to meet him.
Manoj Chaurasia / The Statesman
Patna: “Hate the sin, love the sinner”, said Mahatma Gandhi.
Bihar chief minister Mr Nitish Kumar appeared to be closely following this ideology of the great Mahatma when he spared time from his busy official schedule to give an audience to an alleged dreaded gangster, Ajay Singh, who rushed to the chief minister’s official residence in Patna yesterday with his newly-elected legislator wife in tow.
The couple said they had gone to the chief minister to seek his blessings.
The alleged gangster’s wife, Mrs Kavita Singh, had won the by-election to the Daraundha Assembly seat in Siwan district on Monday, defeating her rival RJD candidate with a comfortable margin of over 20,000 votes in the election.
But quite like her fairy-tale victory which she had, perhaps, never imagined so early in her married life, her marriage, too, was a dream affair.
Barely few days into her married life, she had to enter the poll arena on the order of her ‘gangster’ husband, who was denied ticket to the Daraundha seat, that fell vacant following the death of his mother Jagmato Devi.
Curiously, Mr Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) had denied a ticket to Singh, then a bachelor, on the ground that he had been a history-sheeter. Singh is said to be an accused in around 24 crminal cases lodged with various police stations of the state.
Instead, he was reportedly advised by the JD-U to get married soon to avail the party ticket as the party felt there was no risk in giving the ticket to his wife keeping in view the fact that many other parties, too, had adopted this policy in the past.
Such was the political compulsion that the alleged gangster hurriedly gave advertisements in the local dailies for his marriage, which mentioned in details certain “qualifications” for his would-be bride.
Instead of giving preference for her complexion, height or educational qualifications, the unusual advertisement mentioned that “the bride’s name should be in the voter’s list and she must have a voter’s Identity Card as well”.
The advertisement also made it mandatory for the prospective bride to be at least 20 years old, who also must be from a political family.
Reports said some 16 girls responded to this advertisement, but Singh preferred Kavita Singh, a 25-year-old post-graduate student from JP University, Chapra since she fulfilled all the conditions mentioned in the advertisement.
Bride found, Singh hurriedly married the girl at a local temple even without waiting to pass the “inauspicious” pitripaksha period, during which all kinds of Hindu rituals stand suspended.
The problem for the man was that had he waited for this “inauspicious” time to roll by, the deadline for the nomination filling would have been passed.
As if the JD-U was just waiting for their marriage, the party hurriedly announced a ticket for Kavita the moment the news of their marriage reached the party leadership.
Eventually, she came out with flying colours with the strong ground-works of the party, especially the chief minister, who, himself, addressed at least three election rallies in her support.
At the end though, the “inauspicious” time of the marriage proved lucky for her.
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